Saturday, October 2, 2010


Soccer this morning then off to Home Depot and Target for the rest of the supplies. Got our hula hoop, pvc pipe, and spraypaint for the quidditch game - also got the 6 balls and the flags for the match. Got the plant pots for the herbology class and the sandpaper to sand down the sticks for the wands. Today, sanded 7 wands and have a dozen more to do next week. Also have to put together the quidditch stuff and make the Hogwarts banner and the school badges. Marauder's maps - have to do those next week too.  Finished stuffing the pinata with candy today - nice to have one complete task done!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament: birthday party for a 7-yr-old

Have a week until Ro's birthday party. Spent yesterday gathering all the materials for the Triwizard Tournament:

feast supplies:  tablecloths, plates, napkins, punchbowl & ladle, birthday cake candles, cups, candleholders
costume: harry potter robe & glasses, witch hat, dementor hooded robe & skeleton hands...
tournament supplies: scavenger hunt items, wand-making materials, pinata candy, herbology class materials

Spent the morning designing and printing a Hogwarts banner that will have all 4 houses represented and making the signs for potions, herbology classes and Ollivander's Wand Shop. Need to get going and buy the felt cloth for the banner and the badges for the 3 wizarding academies. Also need to go get the "muggle quidditch" game supplies: hula hoops (3 for the 3 goals) and pvc pipe to hold them up and some "tails" for the chasers to wear and attempt to grab off the other team while trying to score. Need to remember the fabric glue for the Hogwarts banner...

Food, I still need to prep but that'll happen next week and mostly on Saturday. Cupcake birthday cake is ordered and should be ready on Sunday. Fog machine ready! Still need to download the Harry Potter music & remind Victor to bring the speakers home from work.

What else...? This weekend, we'll do test-runs for the dirt & bug herbology class, the wand-making, and we'll finish the signs and the banner. Whew! This is a LOT of work for a birthday party! But the look on Ro's face as he helps prepare everything - makes it all worthwhile. At least for now...ok, get on the road for the rest of the supplies!